NaNoWriMo Update


Here we are. Ten days in. How much NaNoWriMo words have I written this month?


Yup. None. But All is not lost!

I have not been idle. I have been working hard getting Lost Hope ready for a 1st Edition release. That just means that I will do my best to get the book edited and such myself then relaunch the crowd funding with some minor adjustments to the rewards offered. 

When that is complete I will be able to send out to an editor using the funds from the CF as well as any profits made from sales. That ensures a better book for second edition AND makes a collector item for those who purchase it as a 1st Edition!

Everyone says as long as you have a great story that doesn’t read like it was written by a third grader, you can be successful as an indie writer.

Well, I am about to test that later this week. Thank you everyone for your continued support!

Writer tips, tricks and fun.

I have come across many tips, tricks and cheats for assisting the would be author on the road to publication.

I have shared a few of these over twitter and thought it would be a great idea to add them here as a blog post.

One I found that was fun is a picture of editing marks. Common and not so common.


Who can wear the badge of writer without knowing the basic keyboard shortcuts?


And the most helpful thing I found was this…
